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A Finance Solution to Control and Facilitate Loan Issuing

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A Finance Solution to Control and Facilitate Loan Issuing

Project overview

This IT project was implemented for one of the largest banking holdings in Eastern Europe. The latter constantly deals with countless processes of preparing credit offers and approving clients' applications for loans. Such processes typically include several key phases, i.e.identity check, credit scoring, product eligibility, conditions and amounts.

Before implementing IT solutions, the onboarding of clients and the application process was manual and inefficient. The banks' employees were deemed to input client data, and update system records manually. And the examination of client eligibility criteria and following preparation of terms and conditions were set manually too. Such a lengthy administrative process reduced banks' capabilities significantly.

The credit factory was intended to automate and facilitate this sophisticated and time-consuming decision making process. The retail credit factory functions based on a microservice architecture using a centralized AI-driven platform. Such a technology makes it possible not only to swiftly and effectively respond to client requests but also to forecast them.

As an outcome, the customer is in the right position to promptly generate loan offers that can assuredly be pre-approved in advance.

duration12 months for 1 stage
Concept illustration
Dashboard with comprehensive loan statistics

Tech Approach

The microservice architecture of the credit factory was structured and built on the Camunda bpm engine. Such an engine is a set of libraries, making it possible to execute predefined processes.

This approach enabled us to create a flexible and scalable architecture, which includes the following advantages:

  1. A capability to restore the process from the point of any recent tech failure; on top of that, such a capability is available right 'from the box';
  2. Integration of GUI enables real-time monitoring capabilities;
  3. A capability to write unit tests focused not only on the logic and integration but also on the process itself.
  • The microservices responsible for the credit factory stages were delivered as Java components using the Spring framework and were configured via Spring Boot. As for the components themselves, they rely on their own data sources based on the PostgreSQL DBMS.
  • On top of that, the microservices are integrated with external systems via various technologies and protocols, such as REST API, IBM MQ, Apache Kafka.
  • Since the credit factory is intended to make decisions within a few minutes, its database is accessed via Spring ORM and optimized to handle fast and high-load data queries. The interaction between the system components is asynchronous and is implemented via Apache Kafka.
Concept illustration
System component interaction scheme

App functionality

The basis for building the credit factory architecture was constituted by statistical models using all information available for assessment. At the first stage of the factory launch, the bank introduced models to assess clients’ credit risk and models to assess their propensity to take up loan products. This credit factory is unique, since those models are processed via queries sent to a centralized platform to execute modes.

The credit factory uses several modules to perform:

  • Credit record assessment (main sources include credit bureaus and internal bank data);
  • Solvency assessment (salary paid, transactions, and other sorts of internal data);
  • Risk level assessment (probability of default);
  • Credit limit calculation;
  • Selection of a loan product for the client based on propensity models.
  • Pricing specifications;
  • Reliability assessment;

These statistical models help make credit loan offers even more tailored to clients: borrowers receive pre-approved and necessary loan products at the right moment of time directly from the bank, in a convenient fashion, and via the most optimal service channel.

The advanced analytics capabilities developed are directly responsible for selecting particular loan offers. I.e., it is all about the AI-driven platform for applying and managing the models involved in the process. The latter combines the capabilities of innovative modelling and machine-learning methods — NLP, graph analytics, geo-analytics, etc. — based on an entire range of internal and external data at our disposal.

More importantly, those models created via the available algorithms independently learn as they process new data. Thus, they are actively applied and extremely helpful. For example, with these models, it was possible to develop and introduce models to assess the churn rates of different groups of customers and responses to loan products across the entire customer base.

Finally, we successfully integrated graph analytics, relationship analysis, and contradiction techniques into the resulting IT solution to help identify, investigate, and fight credit fraud.


Processing one-third of the client base used to take up to one month for the customer. With this solution, the process only takes four days. Cash loans and credit cards are now issued based on this new technology. As a result, the customer is in the right position to simplify the client registration process even more and reduce the amount of info requested from them. Finally, the upgraded risk assessment model now provides potential borrowers with exclusively tailored-fit loan offers.

In order to generate precise and structured loan offers, a user applies statistical models to assess credit risks. In addition, the customer now uses models based on external and internal data to evaluate the client's eligibility for a particular loan. It is also noteworthy that, in the course of adopting the solution, a fresh model to assess income and the most suitable loan amount was introduced. Consequently, it is now possible to individually calculate the maximum credit limit for a client.

The solution includes modules for calculating credit scores, decision-making, interacting with external data sources, processing client income, and identifying and assessing potential fraud.

Project results

  • The time required to generate pre-approved loan offers has been drastically cut down, streamlining and speeding up the lending process;
  • The models created by the available algorithms learn independently from new data, making them actively useful for assessing client churn rates and responses to loan products;
  • The integration of graph analytics and relationship analysis into the IT solution helps to identify, investigate, and combat credit fraud.

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